The Perfect 4 inch Cheesecake Recipe Make in 5 Minuets

Greetings, fellow dessert enthusiasts! We’re delving into the land of luxury today with a recipe for mouthwatering 4 inch cheesecake recipe that will tantalize your palate. This guide will teach you how to do every step no matter what level of experience you have in the kitchen. Don an apron, preheat the oven, and come create a little masterpiece with me that will bring back happy memories for years to come.

Ingredients of 4 inch Cheesecake Recipe That You’ll Need

Make sure all the ingredients are accessible before we begin. What you’ll need is as follows:

For the Crust

  • 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
The Perfect 4-inch Cheesecake Recipe filing

For the Filling

  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
The Perfect 4-inch Cheesecake Recipe preparing

Preparing the Crust

A great cheesecake is always built on its crust, and this one is no exception. Now let’s get going!

Step 1: Crush the Graham Crackers

Begin by placing your graham crackers in a ziplock bag and delicately crush them with a rolling pin until you achieve fine crumbs.

Step 2: Combine the Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, blend the graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter. Ensure the crumbs are evenly coated.

Step 3: Press into the Pan

Take a 4-inch springform pan and firmly press the graham cracker mixture into the bottom. Set it aside while we prepare the luscious filling.

The Perfect 4-inch Cheesecake Recipe creamy filing

Crafting the Creamy Filling

Now, let’s create the velvety filling that will elevate your cheesecake to unforgettable heights.

Step 4: Beat the Cream Cheese

In a separate mixing bowl, beat the softened cream cheese until it achieves a smooth and creamy consistency. Ensure there are no lumps.

Step 5: Add Sugar and Vanilla

Gradually introduce the granulated sugar and pure vanilla extract to the cream cheese. Continue beating until the mixture is well combined.

Step 6: Incorporate the Egg

Add the egg to the cream cheese mixture and beat until fully integrated. Be cautious not to overmix; aim for a silky texture, not a tough one.

Step 7: Fold in Sour Cream

Gently fold in the sour cream, ensuring an even distribution throughout the mixture. This imparts the perfect tanginess to your cheesecake.

The Perfect 4-inch Cheesecake Recipe baking

Assembling and Baking

With the cheesecake filling ready, let’s put everything together and bake our masterpiece!

Step 8: Pour the Filling

Pour the creamy filling over the prepared graham cracker crust in the 4-inch pan.

Step 9: Bake to Perfection

Adjust the oven temperature to 325°F (160°C) and position the cheesecake in the middle rack. The center should still jiggle slightly but the sides should be firm after baking for about 30 to 35 minutes.

The Perfect 4-inch Cheesecake Recipe  last

The Finishing Touch

Your cheesecake is almost there, but it needs a little extra love.

Step 10: Chill and Serve

After the cheesecake has cooled in the pan for approximately ten minutes, place it in the refrigerator for two hours to solidify. Take it out of the pan after it’s set and serve! Top it with fresh berries, chocolate sauce, or your favorite toppings.


Congratulations, on embarking on a delightful journey to create a 4 inch cheesecake recipe that’s sure to impress! This creamy, rich dessert is perfect for sharing or savoring solo. So, put on that apron and relish the sweet rewards of your baking prowess!


Q. Can I use a different type of cookie for the crust?

Ans. Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with cookies like Oreos or ginger snaps for a unique twist on the crust.

Q. Can I make this cheesecake ahead of time?

Ans. Yes, you can prepare it a day in advance and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve.

Q. Can I freeze leftover cheesecake?

Ans. Certainly! Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil before freezing for up to a month.

Q. Can I substitute low-fat cream cheese or sour cream?

Ans. It could, however, have an impact on your cheesecake’s flavor and creaminess. Using the full-fat versions yields the best results.

Q. How can I prevent cracks on the cheesecake’s surface?

Ans. Baking in a water bath and avoiding overmixing are two great ways to prevent cracks.

1 thought on “The Perfect 4 inch Cheesecake Recipe Make in 5 Minuets”

  1. Pingback: Adams Peanut Butter Cheesecake Recipe: A Peanut Butter Lover's Delight - Epic Yums

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