7 Up Angel Food Cake

Heavenly Delights: Baking a 7 Up Angel Food Cake

Hey there, fellow baking enthusiasts! Today, we’re delving into the world of beautiful desserts, but with a unique twist: Baking a 7 Up Angel Food Cake. This dish will be a welcome surprise if you’re searching for something that’s somewhat sweet, airy, and fluffy. You will be left wanting more after making this delicious dessert, which has a step-by-step recipe provided here. Now let’s get going!

What You’ll Need

Let’s gather all the supplies and materials needed to prepare this 7-Up Angel Food Cake before we start baking.


  • 1 cup of cake flour
  • 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 12 large egg whites
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of 7-Up soda (room temperature)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of lemon extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract


  • Angel food cake pan (tube pan)
  • Electric mixer (stand mixer or hand mixer)
  • Mixing bowls
  • Sifter or fine-mesh sieve
  • Rubber spatula
  • Cooling rack

Now that we have everything ready, let’s start baking up some magic!

Steps to Baking a 7 Up Angel Food Cake

Steps to Baking a 7 Up Angel Food Cake

Step 1: Preheat and Prep

Set your oven’s temperature to 325°F (160°C) first. Make sure your angel food cake pan is dry and clean while your oven heats up. Do not grease or flour the pan; the cake needs to cling to the sides as it rises.

Step 2: Sift the Flour

In a mixing bowl, sift the cake flour. Sifting helps aerate the flour, making it lighter and ensuring a delicate texture for your cake.

Step 3: Whip the Egg Whites

Beat the egg whites on medium speed with your electric mixer until foamy. Add salt and cream of tartar after that. Beat on until gentle peaks start to develop. It will need two to three minutes.

Step 4: Gradually Add Sugar

Add the granulated sugar gradually, approximately 2 tablespoons at a time, while the mixer is still running. Beat until the egg whites form stiff, glossy peaks. This will take around 5-7 minutes. Your mixture should look like a cloud of sweetness!

Step 5: Add Flavors

Gently fold in the vanilla extract, lemon extract, and almond extract. These extracts will infuse your cake with delightful flavors.

Step 6: Fold in Flour

Now, using a rubber spatula, fold the sifted cake flour into the egg white mixture gently. Be careful not to deflate the egg whites. Fold until the flour is fully incorporated.

Step 7: Incorporate 7-Up

The secret ingredient! Carefully fold in the room-temperature 7-Up soda. This unique addition adds a subtle citrusy zing and keeps your cake moist and light.

Step 8: Fill the Pan

Spoon the cake batter into your prepared angel food cake pan. Smooth the top with a spatula, ensuring it’s evenly distributed.

Step 9: Bake to Perfection

Bake in a preheated oven for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the top is golden brown, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean.

Step 10: Cool and Unmold

When the cake is done, take it out of the oven and flip it over right away onto a cooling rack. Let it cool completely in this position to maintain its airy texture.

Step 11: Serve and Savor

Slice into your Baking a 7 Up Angel Food Cake and savor the moment. Each bite is like a taste of heaven, with a hint of citrus and a cloud-like texture.


Congratulations! You’ve just created a delicious baking a 7 up angel food cake that will wow your loved ones. It’s light and fluffy. This dessert is ideal for both formal meals and informal get-togethers. So feel free to savor this exquisite treat and enjoy the praise!

See More Another Post: 4 inch Cheesecake Recipe

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Can I use a different type of soda?

Ans. While 7-Up adds a unique flavor, you can experiment with other clear, lemon-lime sodas if you prefer.

Q. Why do I need to invert the cake to cool?

Ans. Inverting the cake while cooling helps it maintain its height and prevents it from collapsing.

Q. Can I use cake mix instead of making it from scratch?

Ans. You can, but the thrill of crafting a handmade masterpiece comes from starting from scratch.

Q. How do I store leftover cake?

You can freeze any leftovers for longer storage or store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to three days.

Q. Can I make mini angel food cakes with this recipe?

Ans. Absolutely! You can use mini angel food cake pans or muffin tins for individual-sized treats.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of baking a 7-Up Angel Food Cake, share it with your loved ones, and let them experience the magic too. Happy baking!

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