Accessibility Statement

Welcome to! This page details our information handling practices and our dedication to privacy protection. This is addressed to all site users, but primarily to the site administrators.

Why WordPress and Our Services Are User-Friendly

WordPress is an excellent platform for creating websites, and we use it to make sure that everyone can visit and use our site with ease. A primary objective of ours is to make the website and content as user-friendly as possible.

Our Promise for Digital Accessibility

At Epic Yums, we’re committed to ensuring that everyone, including those with impairments, can use our website. We’re constantly trying to do better and adhere to accessibility guidelines.

How We Support Accessibility

We do several things to make sure our website is accessible:

  • We include accessibility in our internal rules.
  • We consider accessibility when choosing WordPress plugins, themes, and other tools.
  • Our team gets ongoing training on accessibility.
  • We use both manual and automated tests to check for accessibility.

Our Accessibility Level

Our website follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) at level AA, but some parts might not be perfect. We’re especially focused on making new WordPress themes meet these standards.

We Want Your Feedback

If you have any thoughts or issues about how accessible our site is, please get in touch:

  • Phone: 1-(855)-293-6318
  • Email:
  • Address: PO BOX 548 #88100, Birmingham, AL 35201, USA

We’ll try to get back to you within 24 hours.

The Tech Behind Our Accessibility

We use HTML, WAI-ARIA, CSS, and JavaScript. These help our website work well with different browsers and assistive technologies.

Limitations and Solutions

We try our best, but the accessibility of our website may have certain limits. Tell us if you come across something inaccessible. We focus on training and awareness to improve these areas.

How We Check Our Accessibility

We regularly check our website’s accessibility ourselves and sometimes get external evaluations from our customers, mainly schools and universities.

Handling Complaints

If you have a complaint about accessibility, we aim to respond quickly – within 24 hours – and work on a solution within 3 business days.

More About WordPress Accessibility

The WordPress Accessibility Team is working hard to make WordPress accessible for everyone. They ensure both users and creators can access and build websites easily.

Helpful WordPress Resources

For more information on making accessible websites with WordPress, here are some resources:

Our Services and Themes

We help fix accessibility issues caused by plugins or themes. We also offer accessible themes for all CampusPress hosted sites, ensuring they meet WCAG2.0 AA standards. You can preview and choose these themes easily from your site’s dashboard.

Additional Resources and Tools

We provide various guides, tools, and training resources to help you understand and implement website accessibility. These include colorblind filters, markup checkers, automated scans, and more.

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