Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe

Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe: A Crispy Delight

Picture this: the rich flavors of a traditional Mexican dish, Chile Relleno, featuring roasted poblano peppers filled with savory goodness. Now, imagine savoring that same delightful taste without the excess oil, all thanks to the wonders of an air fryer! In this culinary journey, we’ll guide you through crafting a mouthwatering Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe – a crispy delight with a modern, healthier twist.

Why Use an Air Fryer?

What is Chile Relleno?

Chile Relleno is a cherished Mexican dish known for its roasted poblano peppers stuffed with a flavorful filling. It’s a symphony of tastes, and now, with the introduction of an air fryer, we’re adding a contemporary, healthier note to this traditional melody.

Why Use an Air Fryer?

Air fryers have become kitchen superheroes, especially for those who love the idea of indulging without guilt. The magic lies in their ability to crisp up food without drowning it in oil, offering a healthier alternative to traditional Potato frying methods.

Ingredients Needed

Ingredients Needed

  • 4 large Poblano peppers
  • 1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional add-ins for an extra kick: Minced garlic, Chopped onions
Step-by-Step Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe

Step-by-Step Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe

Prepping the Chilies

Start by simmering the poblano peppers in the air fryer at 390°F (200°C) for around 5 minutes on each side or until their skin rankles. When they cool, strip off the skin and make a little cut to eliminate the seeds.

Making the Filling

In a bowl, create a tantalizing mix of Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese. Stuff each pepper with this delectable cheese mixture.

Making the Filling

Air Frying Process

Take your stuffed chilies on a journey through layers of flavor – dip them in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally, coat them with breadcrumbs. Place these culinary treasures in the air fryer at 375°F (190°C) for around 10 minutes or until they boast a golden brown hue.

Read More About Our Another Recipe Blog: Air Fryer Portobello Mushroom Recipe.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe

Let’s explore some essential tips and tricks for perfecting your Air Fryer Chile Relleno Recipe:

  • Choosing the Right Chile: Experiment with bell peppers or Anaheim for a unique twist in flavors.
  • Making it Crispy: Ensure your peppers are thoroughly dry after roasting and use fresh breadcrumbs for that irresistible crunch.
  • Flavor Variations: Spice it up with jalapenos or add a touch of sweetness with corn kernels for a delightful flavor variation.
Benefits of Cooking Chile Relleno in an Air Fryer

Benefits of Cooking Chile Relleno in an Air Fryer

Health benefits and convenience in cooking are some of the perks of using an air fryer for Chile Relleno.


Air fryer Chile Relleno isn’t just a recipe; it’s a culinary experience – a fusion of tradition and modern cooking techniques that delivers flavorsome, crispy delights without the guilt. So, why wait? Embark on this delicious journey today and savor the blend of tradition and innovation on your plate!

Read More About Our Another Recipe Blog: Air Fryer Frozen Cauliflower Recipes.


  • Can I use a different cheese?
    Absolutely! Experiment with mozzarella or feta to discover your perfect cheesy combination.
  • How long can I store leftover Chile Relleno?
    While they can last up to 2 days in the fridge, the best experience is always fresh. Enjoy your culinary creation at its prime!
  • Can I use the same recipe for traditional frying?
    Yes, you can, but be sure to adjust your frying time and ensure the oil is hot enough for that perfect crisp.
  • Why are my chilies not crispy?
    To achieve that irresistible crispiness, ensure your peppers are dry after roasting and perfectly coated with breadcrumbs.
  • Is it essential to roast the chilies first?
    Roasting isn’t just a step; it’s a flavor-enhancing journey. It brings out a smoky flavor and softens the chilies, elevating the overall taste.

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